Results for 'Pedro Simón Abril'

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  1.  31
    Sciences, N egotia and domestic conversations: Pedro Simón abril's conception of logic in its renaissance context.Paula Olmos - 2012 - Intellectual History Review 22 (4):481-497.
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    El poblamiento andalusí en las tierras de secano: el área sudoriental de La Mancha.Pedro Jiménez Castillo & José Luis Simón García - 2017 - Al-Qantara 38 (2):215-259.
    Since the 1980s, there has been a significant increase in the number of studies concerning Andalusian rural settlements linked to irrigated agriculture, both related to large suburban green belts and to small hydraulic systems. In the vast areas where water is scarce, the settlement apparently would have been concentrated in cities and fortified towns, leaving without population most of the dry lands between them. However, thanks to the intensive survey of one of these regions, La Mancha’s Southeastern area, we are (...)
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    Ensayos Andinos.Simón Pedro Arnold - 2009 - Editorial Verbo Divino.
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    Textos de humanismo y didáctica.Pedro Simón Abril - 1988 - [Madrid]: C.S.I.C., Confederación Española de Centros de Estudios Locales. Edited by Luis de Cañigral.
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    Trabalho como unidade estruturante de educação matemática de alunos do campo.Simone Ferreira da Silva & João Pedro Antunes de Paulo - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:689-698.
    Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados de uma pesquisa desenvolvida por uma aluna de graduação durante a realização de seu estágio docência. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar a relação entre trabalho e ensino de matemática em uma escola do campo na região sudeste do estado do Pará, na região norte do Brasil. A metodologia utilizada foi de inspiração etnográfica e os dados foram registrados no caderno de campo da pesquisadora. Também constitui material de análise as produções dos alunos e as (...)
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    Revisiting Aristotle’s Fragments: New Essays on the Fragments of Aristotle’s Lost Works.António Pedro Mesquita, Simon Noriega-Olmos & Christopher John Ignatius Shields (eds.) - 2020 - De Gruyter.
    The philosophical and philological study of Aristotle fragments and lost works has fallen somewhat into the background since the 1960’s. This is regrettable considering the different and innovative directions the study of Aristotle has taken in the last decades. This collection of new peer-reviewed essays applies the latest developments and trends of analysis, criticism, and methodology to the study of Aristotle’s fragments. The individual essays use the fragments as tools of interpretation, shed new light on different areas of Aristotle philosophy, (...)
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    La quaestio veritatis in Pedro da Fonseca: il problema della simplex apprehensio e la fondazione delle identità logiche.Simone Guidi - 2020 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 1:51-80.
    The Question of Truth in Pedro da Fonseca: the Problem of the simplex apprehensio and the Foundation of Logical Identities. This article deals with the theory of truth in Pedro da Fonseca (1528-1599) as it is presented in his commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics (1577-1612). The first part of the paper is dedicated to Fonseca’s definition of intellective truth within the doctrinal topography of the Aristotelian tradition. The Author especially points out Fonseca’s attempt to justify the notion of a (...)
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    An Emerging System to Study Photosymbiosis, Brain Regeneration, Chronobiology, and Behavior: The Marine Acoel Symsagittifera roscoffensis.Enrique Arboleda, Volker Hartenstein, Pedro Martinez, Heinrich Reichert, Sonia Sen, Simon Sprecher & Xavier Bailly - 2018 - Bioessays 40 (10):1800107.
    The acoel worm Symsagittifera roscoffensis, an early offshoot of the Bilateria and the only well‐studied marine acoel that lives in a photosymbiotic relationship, exhibits a centralized nervous system, brain regeneration, and a wide repertoire of complex behaviors such as circatidal rhythmicity, photo/geotaxis, and social interactions. While this animal can be collected by the thousands and is studied historically, significant progress is made over the last decade to develop it as an emerging marine model. The authors here present the feasibility of (...)
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    Influence of Social Responsibility and Sustainable Marketing Strategies on the Behavior of the Plant-Based Food Consumer Market in Ecuador and Latin America.Víctor Hugo Briones-Kusactay, Guido Homero Poveda-Burgos, Humberto Pedro Segarra-Jaime, Clara Augusta Cabrera-Jara, Luis Roberto Asencio-Cristóbal, Simón Bolívar Parrales-Escalante, Julio Antonio Baque-Mieles & Galvarino Casanueva-Yánez - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:562-572.
    A documentary review was carried out on the production and publication of research papers related to the study of the variable Social Responsibility, Sustainable Marketing and Consumer Behavior. The purpose of the bibliometric analysis proposed in this document was to know the main characteristics of the volume of publications registered in the Scopus database during the period 2017-2022, achieving the identification of 57 publications. The information provided by this platform was organized through graphs and figures categorizing the information by Year (...)
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  10.  13
    Entre Simone de Beauvoir e Ana Cristina Cesar: um estudo sobre a literatura da mulher.João Pedro Cerdeira - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (2):302-320.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir o conceito de “literatura da mulher” a partir da leitura de duas importantes autoras do século XX: a filósofa francesa Simone de Beauvoir e a poeta, tradutora e crítica literária brasileira Ana Cristina Cesar. Ainda que distantes entre si, encontramos na produção intelectual de ambas as autoras diversas aproximações possíveis que nos permitem refletir a respeito das relações entre gênero e literatura a partir de noções como alteridade e representação, contribuindo para o debate (...)
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  11.  28
    Pedro da Fonseca: Humanism and Metaphysics.Simone Guidi & Mario Santiago Carvalho (eds.) - 2023 - Turnhout: Brepols.
    This volume is the first collection of essays in English devoted to Pedro da Fonseca SJ (1527-1599), his intellectual endeavour, and thought. The book brings together some of today's leading specialists in early modern scholasticism, Portuguese Aristotelianism, and the history of the Society of Jesus, in order to present a reliable portrait of Fonseca's institutional role, to reconstruct his thought on many important aspects of scholastic metaphysics, and to discuss the reception of his work in the early modern age. (...)
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  12. Pedro da Fonseca on Substance, Subsistence, and Supposit.Simone Guidi - 2023 - In Simone Guidi & Mario Santiago Carvalho (eds.), Pedro da Fonseca: Humanism and Metaphysics. Turnhout: Brepols.
    Twenty years before Suárez’s Metaphysicae disputationes, Pedro da Fonseca offered one of the most impressive modern attempts to reorder Aristotle’s Metaphysics. In the present chapter, I will endeavour to show how insightful Fonseca’s effort truly was, by dealing with his ousiology. I will focus especially on the Jesuit’s account of three pivotal concepts in the scholastic theory of substance, i.e. Divine Substance, created substance and prime substance, or supposit. These notions are primarily metaphysical, but — according to a long-standing (...)
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  13.  34
    Ingrid GALSTER (dir.), Simone de Beauvoir : Le Deuxième Sexe. Le livre fondateur du féminisme moderne en situation, Paris, Éditions Champion, 2004, 519 pages.Ingrid GALSTER (dir.), Le Deuxième Sexe de Simone de Beauvoir, Paris, Pres. [REVIEW]Joana Maria Pedro - 2007 - Clio 26:232-264.
    Ces deux ouvrages, publiés en 2004 à Paris, sont dirigés par Ingrid Galster. Professeur de Littérature française, espagnole et hispano-américaine à l’Universität Paderborn (Allemagne), elle a consacré une grande partie de ses recherches à l’impact de l’ouvrage de Simone de Beauvoir dans le contexte allemand ; elle est aussi l’auteur de nombreux textes sur Jean-Paul Sartre. Les deux livres se situent dans les commémorations du cinquantenaire de la publication du Deuxième Sexe. Le premier ouvra...
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  14. Complex and Simple Truth: The Conimbricenses’ Reading of On Interpretation in the Jesuit Context.Simone Guidi - 2019 - In Cristiano Casalini (ed.), Complex and Simple Truth: The Conimbricenses’ Reading of On Interpretation in the Jesuit Context.
    This chapter focuses on the question of the specific truth granted to the human intellect’s concepts qua concepts (simplex apprehensio), as it is presented and discussed in Sebastião do Couto’s commentary on On Interpretation, included in his general commentary on Aristotle’s Dialectics (1606), the final volume of the famous and influential Cursus Conimbricensis (1592–1606). Such a topic finds it roots in a large medieval debate that runs through many authors and especially Augustine, Aquinas, Scotus, Durandus, and Ockham, reaching in the (...)
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    Ingrid GALSTER (dir.), Simone de Beauvoir : Le Deuxième Sexe. Le livre fondateur du féminisme moderne en situation, Paris, Éditions Champion, 2004, 519 pages.Ingrid GALSTER (dir.), Le Deuxième Sexe de Simone de Beauvoir, Paris, Presses de l'Universit. [REVIEW]Joana Maria Pedro - 2007 - Clio 26:233-233.
    Ces deux ouvrages, publiés en 2004 à Paris, sont dirigés par Ingrid Galster. Professeur de Littérature française, espagnole et hispano-américaine à l’Universität Paderborn (Allemagne), elle a consacré une grande partie de ses recherches à l’impact de l’ouvrage de Simone de Beauvoir dans le contexte allemand ; elle est aussi l’auteur de nombreux textes sur Jean-Paul Sartre. Les deux livres se situent dans les commémorations du cinquantenaire de la publication du Deuxième Sexe. Le premier ouvra...
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    Las relaciones entre Jeremías Bentham y S. Bolívar.Pedro Schwartz & Carlos Rodríguez Braun - 1992 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (3):45-68.
    La correspondencia bolivariana de Jeremías Bentham revela las razones del interés del filósofo inglés por la lucha emancipadora en la América hispana, así como alguna de las reacciones de los hispanoamericanos ante las ideas utilitaristas.
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    Territorialidad, memoria y acción colectiva: Ulster como lugar en disputa a través del documental audiovisual.Pedro Limón López & Egoitz Gago Antón - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (56).
    El 10 de abril de 1998 se firmó en Belfast el denominado Acuerdo de Viernes Santo o acuerdo de Belfast, por parte de los gobiernos británico e irlandés, así como por los principales líderes políticos de Irlanda del Norte y fue aprobado en referéndum popular tanto en Irlanda del Norte como en la República de Irlanda, dando inicio al fin de un conflicto desarrollado en el Ulster durante tres décadas. El acuerdo, y sus posteriores modificaciones dan una importancia central (...)
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  18. “The Bright Initiator of Such a Great System.” Suárez and Fonseca in Iberian Jesuit Journals (1945–1975).Simone Guidi - 2023 - Noctua 10 (2–3):441-498.
    In this paper I focus on the historiographical fate of Francisco Suárez (1548–1617) and Pedro da Fonseca (1528–1599) in two Iberian journals ran by Jesuits and founded in 1945: the Spanish Pensamiento, and the Portuguese Revista portuguesa de filosofia. I endeavor to show that the discussions of Suárez’s and Fonseca’s ideas on these journal is a two-sided case of constructing the legacies of major figures in late scholasticism, and I emphasize how the demand to identify cultural national heroes intertwines (...)
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  19.  22
    Cognitive Control and Bilingualism: The Bilingual Advantage Through the Lens of Dimensional Overlap.Melodie Bellegarda & Pedro Macizo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Past research shows that the bilingual experience may enhance cognitive executive function. In this experiment, we evaluated cognitive control in bilinguals relative to monolinguals by using a dimensional overlap model to predict performance in a task composed of Stroop and Simon stimuli. A group of 24 Spanish monolinguals and 24 bilinguals with differing first languages and all having Spanish as a second language did a picture naming task and a task composed of Stroop and Simon stimuli, where the effect of (...)
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  20. Baroque Metaphysics: Studies on Francisco Suárez.Simone Guidi - 2020 - Coimbra, Portugal: Palimage.
    This book collects six unpublished and published academic studies on the thought of Francisco Suárez, which is addressed through accurate textual analyses and meticulous contextualization of his doctrines in the Scholastic debate. The present essays aim to portray two complementary aspects coexisting in the work of the Uncommon Doctor: his innovative approach and his adherence to the tradition. To this scope, they focus on some pivotal, but often neglected, topics in Suárez’s metaphysics and psychology – such as his theories of (...)
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  21. Francisco Suárez: Metaphysics, Politics and Ethics.Simone Guidi, Mario Santiago Carvalho & Manuel Lázaro Pulido (eds.) - 2020 - Coimbra, Portogallo: Coimbra University Press.
    This volume publishes the Proceedings of the 1st International Meeting "Thinking Baroque in Portugal" (26-28 June 2017), which dealt with the metaphysical, ethical and political thought of Francisco Suárez. Counting on the collaboration of some of the greatest international specialists in the work and thought of this famous professor of the University of Coimbra in the 17th century, this volume celebrates the 400th anniversary of his death and marks the productivity of his philosophical-theological legacy.
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  22. Pedro Simón Abril.Margherita Morreale - 1949 - Madrid,: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto "Miguel de Cervantes,".
  23. Introducing in China the Aristotelian Category of Quantity: From the Coimbra Commentary on the Dialectics (1606) to the Chinese Mingli tan (1636-­1639).Thierry Meynard & Simone Guidi - 2022 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4:663-683.
    Second Scholasticism greatly developed the medieval theory of continuous quantity as the Aristotelian notion for thematizing spatial extension, paving the way for the idea of space as extension in early modern natural philosophy. The article analyzes the section related to the category of continuous quantity in the Coimbra commentary on the Dialectics (1606), showing that it is indebted to the novel theory of Francisco Suárez on quantity as bestowing extension to a body in a particular sense, something which had been (...)
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  24. Correspondencia de Pedro Chacón (III): comentario a la Carta nº 3 (Texto publicado en el vol. CCXXVI, Enero-Abril 2013).Juan Francisco Domínguez Domínguez - 2013 - Ciudad de Dios 226 (2):379-420.
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    Josep Simon and Néstor Herran, with Tayra Lanuza-Navarro, Pedro Ruiz Castell and Ximo Guillem-Llobat , Beyond Borders: Fresh Perspectives in History of Science. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008. Pp. vii+377. ISBN 978-184-71843-2. £39.99. [REVIEW]Lewis Pyenson - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Science 42 (2):299.
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    Los negocios y las ciencias: lógica, argumentación y metodología en la obra filosófica de Pedro Simón Abril (ca. 1540-1595).Paula Olmos Gómez - 2010 - Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
  27.  22
    Prólogo al Liber disputationum contra Symonem iudeum de Pedro de Cornwall.Natalia Jakubecki & Marcela Borelli - 2021 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 25 (1):57-74.
    En este trabajo ofrecemos la traducción del latín al castellano del Prólogo al Liber disputationum contra Symonem iudeum de Pedro de Cornwall, única sección del texto que se encuentra actualmente editada gracias a la labor de Richard W. Hunt. A ella se le suma, a modo de anexo, el breve intercambio final entre los personajes de Pedro y Simón que Hunt transcribió en la introducción a dicha edición. Ambas traducciones están precedidas por la presentación del autor y de (...)
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    El desenlace del discipulado de Pedro a la luz de Jn 21,15-19.Francisco Javier González Carrión - 2019 - Salmanticensis 66 (1):87-116.
    La evidencia de un desenlace para el discipulado de Pedro en Jn 21, coherente con el cuerpo del relato, denota la unidad tanto literaria como teoló-gica del cuarto evangelio : la promesa de un futuro seguimiento que había quedado pendiente en Jn 13,36 llega a su cumplimiento en Jn 21,19; pero también, el enigmático sobrenombre que impone Jesús a Simón, hijo de Juan, al inicio del relato solo halla dilucida-ción en Jn 21,15-17. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, dicha evidencia (...)
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    Demonios, exorcismos y emperadores en los Hechos del Apóstol Pedro.Sabino Perea Yébenes - 2008 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 13:167-181.
    Este estudio está basado en los Hechos de Pedro, un escrito apócrifo del Nuevo Testamento. El libro, que es en realidad una obra piadosa, popular y ejemplarizante, narra numerosos episodios de magia. Resulta de especial interés el pulso que mantienen Simón Pedro y Simón Mago, realizando prodigios y milagros sin fin en Roma. El trasfondo ideológico del escrito es un alegato contra la figura de los malos emperadores romanos, cuyo modelo es Nerón, personaje ridiculizado y tachado de asesino (...)
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  30.  15
    The Derrida Dictionary.Simon Morgan Wortham - 2010 - Continuum.
    The Derrida Dictionary is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the world of Jacques Derrida, the founder of deconstruction and one of the most important and influential European thinkers of the twentieth century. Meticulously researched and extensively cross-referenced, this unique book covers all his major works, ideas and influences and provides a firm grounding in the central themes of Derrida's thought. Students will discover a wealth of useful information, analysis and criticism. A-Z entries include clear definitions of all the key (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Climate Change and Non-Ideal Theory: Six Ways of Responding to Noncompliance.Simon Caney - 2016 - In Clare Heyward & Dominic Roser (eds.), Climate Justice in a Non-Ideal World. Oxford University Press UK. pp. 21-42.
    This paper examines what agents should do when others fail to comply with their responsibilities to prevent dangerous climate change. It distinguishes between six different possible responses to noncompliance. These include what I term (1) 'target modification' (watering down the extent to which we seek to prevent climate change), (2) ‘responsibility reallocation’ (reassigning responsibilities to other duty bearers), (3) ‘burden shifting I’ (allowing duty bearers to implement policies which impose unjust burdens on others, (4) 'burden shifting II’ (allowing some to (...)
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    L'Arrêt de mort, Insomnia, Dreaming, Sleep: Derrida, Blanchot, Levinas.Simon Morgan Wortham - 2012 - Derrida Today 5 (1):111-139.
    In L'Arrêt de mort, as Derrida suggests, an ‘epochal suspension’ manifests itself, compulsively pulsating so as to conjure a certain spectrality beyond all consciousness, perception, or ordinary attentiveness. Re-reading Blanchot's text, I argue that it is on the borderlines of sleep that the ‘arrythmic pulsation’ of the arrêt de mort happens as impossible event – ‘the state of suspension in which it's over – and over again, and you'll never have done with that suspension itself’, to quote Derrida once more. (...)
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    To Give the Differend Its Due in advance.Simon Morgan Wortham - forthcoming - Philosophy Today.
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    Function, Selection, and Innateness: The Emergence of Language Universals.Simon Kirby - 1999 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This book explores issues at the core of modern linguistics and cognitive science. Why are all languages similar in some ways and in others utterly different? Why do languages change and change variably? How did the human capacity for language evolve, and how far did it do so as an innate ability? Simon Kirby looks at these questions from a broad perspective, arguing that they can be studied together. The author begins by examining how far the universal properties of language (...)
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    Herrschaft Und Recht Bei Aristoteles.Simon Weber - 2015 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Nicht wenige Autoren in der politischen Ideengeschichte sind der Überzeugung, dass die Grundpfeiler des modernen Rechts- und Verfassungsdenkens nicht als das Erbe oder die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der aristotelischen Tradition zu betrachten sind, sondern als Neuerungen, die sich gerade dem radikalen Bruch mit ihr verdanken. Die entscheidende Demarkationslinie zwischen antikem und modernem politischem Denken verlaufe dabei entlang der Idee der natürlichen Rechte des Individuums: Erst die politische Philosophie der Neuzeit und die auf ihr fußende Verfassungswirklichkeit verhelfe dem Menschen zu seinen ihm (...)
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  36. Global Poverty and Human Rights: the Case for Positive Duties.Simon Caney - 2007 - In Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge (ed.), Freedom From Poverty as a Human Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor? Co-Published with Unesco. Oxford University Press.
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  37. Sobre el presente de la filosofía.Martín Pedro Zubiria - 2003 - Laguna 13:167-182.
    Tanto la explicación de sentido de la modernidad como el lenguaje de la posmodernidad han rechazado la noción de presente intemporal conocida otrora por la filosofía. Aquí se quiere mostrar en qué sentido y por qué razón el novísimo pensamiento logotectónico permite recuperar aquella noción merced a una nueva distinción del presente.
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    Natural Meanings and Cultural Values.Simon P. James - 2019 - Environmental Ethics 41 (1):3-16.
    In many cases, rivers, mountains, forests, and other so-called natural entities have value for us because they contribute to our well-being. According to the standard model of such value, they have instrumental or “service” value for us on account of their causal powers. That model tends, however, to come up short when applied to cases when nature contributes to our well-being by virtue of the religious, political, historical, personal, or mythic meanings it bears. To make sense of such cases, a (...)
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    A context noise model of episodic word recognition.Simon Dennis & Michael S. Humphreys - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (2):452-478.
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    Gilbert Simondon: Information, Technology and Media.Simon Mills - 2016 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    A philosophical introduction to and interrogation of the work of Gilbert Simondon and its relation to contemporary media technology, communication and information.
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  41. Cosmopolitan Justice, Rights, and Global Climate Change.Simon Caney - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 19 (2).
    The paper has the following structure. In Section I, I introduce some important methodological preliminaries by asking: How should one reason about global environmental justice in general and global climate change in particular? Section II introduces the key normative argument; it argues that global climate change damages some fundamental human interests and results in a state of affairs in which the rights of many are unprotected: as such it is unjust. Section III addresses the complexities that arise from the fact (...)
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    Logical Structures Arising in Quantum Theory.Simon Kochen, E. P. Specker, C. A. Hooker & P. D. Finch - 1985 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 50 (2):558-566.
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    Nietzsche's Ethics and His War on 'Morality'.Simon May - 1999 - Philosophy 76 (297):464-468.
    Book synopsis: Simon May presents a fresh and wide-ranging critique of Nietzsche's famous attack on traditional morality, and of his controversial ethics of 'life-enhancement'. He reveals Nietzsche as both revolutionary and conservative–as one who repudiates traditional 'moral' conceptions of God, guilt, asceticism, pity, and truthfulness, and yet retains a demanding ethics of discipline, conscience, 'self-creation', generosity, and honesty. In particular, May shows how Nietzsche rejects truthfulness as an unconditional value and yet celebrates it as one of his own highest values, (...)
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    Titans or Titanic.Simon Zadek - 2012 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 31 (2):207-230.
    Sustainability as a narrative has mainstreamed, but practice is stuck in the ‘valley of death,’ with exemplary business action to internalize social and environmental externalities remaining ad hoc and small scale. Civil regulation has had significant impacts, but appears unable to act as a driver of systemic change. Addressing change at the system level requires the evolution of corporate governance away from intensive towards an extensive accountability, embedded within a ‘public fiduciary.’ Such a shift in fiduciary arrangements is needed to (...)
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  45. Carbon Trading: Unethical, Unjust and Ineffective?Simon Caney & Cameron Hepburn - 2011 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 69:201-234.
    Cap-and-trade systems for greenhouse gas emissions are an important part of the climate change policies of the EU, Japan, New Zealand, among others, as well as China and Australia. However, concerns have been raised on a variety of ethical grounds about the use of markets to reduce emissions. For example, some people worry that emissions trading allows the wealthy to evade their responsibilities. Others are concerned that it puts a price on the natural environment. Concerns have also been raised about (...)
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    Diagrammatic iconicity explains asymmetries in Paamese possessive constructions.Simon Devylder - 2018 - Cognitive Linguistics 29 (2):313-348.
    Grammatical asymmetries in possessive constructions are overtly coded in about 18% of the world’s languages according to the World Atlas of Language Structures What primarily motivates these grammatical asymmetries is controversial and has been at the crux of the “iconicity vs. frequency” debate This paper contributes to this debate by focusing on the grammatical asymmetries of Paamese possessive constructions, and looking for the primary motivating factor in their multidimensional experiential context. After a careful account of four experiential dimensions of distance, (...)
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    Synesthesia, Cross-Modality, and Language Evolution.Simon Kirby & Christine Cuskley - 2013 - In Julia Simner & Edward M. Hubbard (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Synesthesia. Oxford University Press.
    In this chapter we suggest that the origin of language, specifically the protolinguistic stage, was iconic rather than arbitrary, and fundamentally based on shared cross-modal associations. We provide evidence from natural language in the form of sound symbolism, distinguishing conventional sound symbolism from sensory sound symbolism. Sensory sound symbolism, or the presence of iconicity in natural language, is considered alongside psychological experiments in naming, and other investigations of cross-modal associations specifically involving linguistic sound. This evidence supports the idea that we (...)
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    From Bacteria to Bach and Back.Simon Penny - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (2):383-386.
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    Mind the gaps: Assuring the safety of autonomous systems from an engineering, ethical, and legal perspective.Simon Burton, Ibrahim Habli, Tom Lawton, John McDermid, Phillip Morgan & Zoe Porter - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 279 (C):103201.
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    The bit‐economy: An artificial model of open‐ended technology discovery.Simon D. Angus & Andrew Newnham - 2013 - Complexity 18 (5):57-67.
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